Commitment Two

Our Church leaders commit to ensure conditions that support the prevention of violence, a church culture that promotes equality, and support for those who experience violence.

Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

(Matthew 6:10) [3]

Rates of violence are higher when institutions promote, condone or remain silent in the face of violence, and the misuse of power and authority. [4]

Our national, provincial, diocesan and parish leaders have a key role in setting up the conditions that will

support the prevention of violence, a church culture that promotes equality, and support for those who experience violence. By working on our parish and diocesan conditions and structures and by working to change our culture and provide the right support, our church communities can flourish as God intended with respect to gender and family relationships. Our leaders must promote the equality of women and men, and respect and safety for all in the church. In order for this commitment to be true of our church, we need strategies that stop violence before it occurs, through initiatives that challenge the root causes of violence. This includes our attitudes and behaviours as women and men in the church. These strategies will involve working with everyone in our church, rather than just those at risk of being violent or experiencing violence. We will also need initiatives that can identify and engage with people at risk, support victims and work in ways to ensure that perpetrators are held to account.


[3] Matthew 6:10 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

[4] standards/